Lua - Conditional Assignment

Published 2014/03/03 by Admin in LUA
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We are able to take a bit of the long-windedness of the "if, else" statement away by using conditional assignment.


b=(a==1) and "one" or "not one"

The code above is the same as the code below.


if a==1 then

b = "one"


b = "not one"


As you can see conditional assignment removes a lot of unnecessary code.

Lua - if elseif else statement

Published 2014/03/03 by Admin in LUA

The combination of if, elseif, and else now give us more than 2 options, we can have as many cases as are required.


if c==1 then

print("c is 1")

elseif c==2 then

print("c is 2")


print("c isn't 1 or 2, c is "..tostring(c))


Lua - if else statement

Published 2014/03/03 by Admin in LUA
Tags: , , , ,

The if statement coupled with the else keyword now gives us 2 options that allows for multiple outcomes based on the conditions we are testing against.


if b=="sad" then

print("b is sad")


print("b is not sad")


The following words are all reserved for internal functions in Lua.

These words cannot be used for variable names, but Lua is case sensitive, so 'and' is reserved and can't be a variable, but 'aND, aNd, AND, anD, AnD, And, ANd' are not reserved and can be used as variables.

my coding

This is a collection of all the coding gems I have found and would like to share with the world!